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what times do you offer classes?

On weekdays, we offer four to six morning, afternoon, and evening classes; on weekends, we offer between two and four classes each day. Take a gander at our schedule and see what works best for you! 


No, not all classes are heated. And -- we get it. Practicing yoga in 108 or 95 degrees? To some of you, this sounds like madness. To others, this sounds like heaven (HELLO, detox!). If you're hot yoga-curious but just want to dip your toes in, try one of our warm classes sometime, like Warm Yin or Warm Yoga Barre, at just 85 degrees.


And -- did you know!? Thrive's back deck got a makeover: rain-cover and commercial-grade heaters. Make ANY class an unheated class by booking yourself a spot on our back deck! You'll see into and get the mic'd audio from the class happening inside.

How do I sign a friend up for class?

Practicing yoga with friends is the BEST. Whether you've got a Friend Pass or a free Birthday Drop-In or you just want to spread the yoga love, your friend will need to make their own account on Wellness Living (here!) and sign up for the class you want to take together. They won't have to pay for the class to book it; just have them select "pay when you visit" at checkout. If you run into annnny trouble, call or text us at 360.626.6031! If you're paying for your friend's class with a Friend Pass (#SharingisCaring), present the Friend Pass to your teacher when you check in for class! 

How do i change my payment method on Wellness living? 

Easy as pie. Head to "My Profile" in your Wellness Living account, then to the subsection "Billing", then scroll down to "Add a new credit card" (debit cards also work great), and enter in your credit or debit card information. If you'd like to delete the other card(s) on file, go to the card number you want to delete (each card has its own box on this page), and click on the light-blue "x" in the top-right corner of the box. As you hover above the "x", you'll see "Remove Card" as pop-up text. Not super technically inclined? Or you tried all this and you're still having trouble? Don't hesitate to reach out to us, we're always happy to help! 

What are the best classes for beginners?

Thrive is a very beginner-friendly studio! Our community is mostly composed of beginner and intermediate students, so we are *all* about offering up beginner-friendly modifications to poses in our classes.


This having been said, we do offer classes that are specifically designed for or are generally more approachable for our beginning students: Gentle Yoga (Mondays at 9am); Range of Motion (Sundays at 10am); Warm Yin (Mondays at 7.45pm, Wednesdays at 8.15pm, and Fridays at 10.30am); Slow Flow (Wednesdays at 7pm, Sundays at 6pm) Flow (oof, LOTS of options, check the schedule!); and Warm 60 / Hot 60 / Hot 90 / Outdoor 26 & 2 / 26 & Tunes (Mondays at 5.30am; Tuesdays at 7am and 6pm; Wednesdays at 4.30pm; Thursdays at 4.30pm; Fridays at 9am and 5.30pm; Saturdays at 7.30am; Sundays at 4pm). 

how can i access the live-stream class I just booked? 

Easy. Peasy! Your teacher will send you an email in the 30 minutes before class begins with the Zoom link to join the class, the playlist for class, and any props you might need!


But first things first, make sure you book your live-stream class at least 45 minutes before class time! Your teacher is running around trying to set everything up and may send out the link and playlist for the live-stream class as early as 30 minutes before class.


To make sure you'll get that email from us: Check out your notification settings on your Wellness Living account and elect to receive emails for "Schedule and Reminders" as well as "News and Updates".


To make sure you'll be able to access the class no prob: Download Zoom, the web platform we use for all our live-stream classes. If you don't already have Zoom on your computer (or phone) at class time, when you click the link to join class, you'll be prompted to download Zoom at that time. (Depending on your Wi-Fi and computer processing speeds, this could be easy breezy or take a minute!)


Hit up the mute button on Zoom as you arrive and feel free to leave your camera on or turn it off! See you on Zoom! : ) 


*Need to cancel or can't make it to a live-stream class you've booked?* If it's more than 12 hours in advance, groovy - feel free to cancel your spot. If you need to cancel within 12 hours of the class, keep your live-stream spot as though you will attend. We have penalty fees in place for late-canceling or no-showing on in-person classes, but we can't set it up in our system to differentiate between live-stream and in-person classes. So, even if you have to late-cancel or no-show on your live-stream class, do not reflect that in the system and we will not penalize you from our end for not showing up on live-stream! If you accidentally canceled your spot in a live-stream class within 12 hours of class, no worries - shoot us an email and we'll refund that late cancel fee! 


YES! We have two lovely showers in each of the men's and women's locker rooms. So clutch when you want to get your yoga fix in before work or play.  

WHAT do i wear? What do i bring?

Wear whatever comfy stretchy clothes that you can easily move around in. Women typically wear capri- or full-length yoga pants, a sports bra, and a tank top or t-shirt; in our Hot 60/90 and 26 & Tunes classes, women often wear athletic shorts, a sports bra, and a tank top. Men typically wear loose-fitting yoga pants or yoga shorts and a tank top or t-shirt; in our Hot 60/90 and 26 & Tunes classes, men often wear athletic shorts and a tank top or t-shirt.


You'll also need a mat, a towel (for warm and hot classes) and a water bottle! If you don't have a mat or a towel, no worries - we gotchu! We have yoga mats ($2) and towels ($3) available for rent. Forget water too? We sell reusable bottles on the cheap ($3) as well as fancy vacuum-sealed water bottles ($35) that you can fill up with our free, cold, filtered water (for the win!). 


If you're brand new, arriving ten minutes before class is ideal to allow enough time to check in, set up your mat, and (our fave) maybe squidge in a little pre-class savasana & decompression time. 


YES! Yoga builds flexibility and strength so if you're not feeling ultra flexy, that's exactly why you SHOULD do yoga. Saying you can't do yoga because you're not flexible is like saying you can't take a shower because you're too dirty (it just doesn't make sense!). 


Take advantage of the ample street parking in the Manette area and steel yourself for, at most, a minute of walking to get to us so you can get your zen on. Recently, folks have gotten warning tickets if they park in the "T" of the Pitt / Harkins intersection (i.e., directly in front of Thrive). Enforcement has been rather spotty, but to be extra safe, just park further up the road on Pitt!


Please do not park in the RK Mart parking lot - they tow! 


Our Member mat storage space is limited, and at the moment, it's fully committed. If you're a Member (Annual or Monthly Unlimited), get on our waitlist for a yoga mat storage spot here


First off, bring an open mind and remember that no one is an expert at something they're trying for the very first time. As hard as it may be, don't judge yourself against anyone else - be kind to yourself! Going to yoga is like taking yourself on a self-care date - enjoy it!


Second, have fun and don't take yourself too seriously. Any class you attend is going to be with other human beings, just like you, who, at one point in time, had their first class, with all or more of the anxieties you may have. Let it all go. Commit to yourself. It's going to be a wonderful ride. 

Got more questions?

Awesome - we've got answers! Call or text us at 360.626.6031 or send us an email at  

Thrive Yoga Manette is located in the heart of the

Manette community of Bremerton, Washington. 


1114 Pitt Ave

Bremerton, WA 98310


Our hours of operation depend on our class schedule for any given day!

We are open for the 15 minutes before any class begins and we close 30 minutes after the last class of the day.


T: 360.626.6031



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  • Thrive Yoga Manette Instagram

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